Helping families around the world.

Ryan Benton was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, (DMD) at the age of three. DMD is a terminal muscle wasting disease, Doctors told his parents there was no cure and he would be lucky to live past his teenage years. When he was 22 years old, he was offered a chance to be involved in a research study using adult stem cells. This was an unproven method of treatment but Ryan was at a very critical stage in fighting his disease, and had nothing to lose as his time was dwindling. Because Ryan’s parents were childhood friends with Dr. Neil Riordan, who is a world renowned stem cell researcher, they put their faith in Dr. Riordan that this was an opportunity we could not pass up.

Following Ryan’s first round of treatments, he realized he was able to grow muscle for the first time ever, proving to reverse the progression of his otherwise fatal disease. Ryan had a muscle biopsy to confirm our suspicions and the results verified that he was producing dystrophin in the “normal range”. Making Ryan the first person in the world with DMD to be successfully treated with mesenchymal stem cell therapy. At the age of 36, after more than 19 treatments, Ryan felt like he was in much better health than he would have been without the adult stem cell therapy. Unfortunately, Ryan passed away at the young age of 37.

Because of FDA regulations which previously did not permit the use of this form of therapy in the U.S. Ryan received the majority of his treatments at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama. In 2015, after six years of traveling out of the country multiple times a year, each time sustaining significant improvements to his overall health, Ryan and Dr. Riordan achieved a huge breakthrough.

There is no limit to how many people Ryan’s story can continue to inspire.

In 2015, Ryan Benton became the first and only patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to be granted FDA approval for allogeneic adult stem cell therapy in the United States. An investigational new drug (IND) for compassionate use application was approved, which allowed Ryan to receive treatment in his hometown, Wichita, KS. This was the first instance where an umbilical cord MSCs was approved in the US for treating humans. Approval from the FDA came with many stipulations; however, this form of treatment was to be used for only a single patient, twice a year for 3 years.

In January 2016, the FDA granted an additional treatment per year, which allowed Ryan three total treatments per year, as well as approval for a second compassionate use IND for another patient. This second patient was a six-year-old boy who had also shown success from previous treatments in Panama.

It is a very challenging process to gain this special exemption and unfortunately, it is unlikely this same situation will be duplicated with ease, especially without prior experience in receiving therapy. Our goal now is to use Ryan’s success to help bolster the possibility for other patients with DMD to gain access to therapy in the U.S. This process will likely take another year or more but we are actively taking the steps to advance this likelihood.

Ryan’s Personal Life

While Ryan was passionate about advocating for stem cells, it is important to note that he was much more than a patient with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy. He was also a brother, son, uncle, friend, writer, and a musician. When Ryan was 18 he started the band, The Sunshine Dreamers. Ryan always had a love for making music with his friends, and thanks to stem cell therapy he was able to continue his passion. In 2021 Ryan and his band, The Sunshine Dreamers completed their 9th album.

Prior to his passing in October of 2023, Ryan and his band were in the middle of working on three studio albums. We are thrilled that the band continues to finish the music he helped create. The Sunshine Dreamers released their newest album in October 2024.

Sunshine Dreamers
Empty Nest
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Sunshine Dreamers
My Bedroom Door
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Sunshine Dreamers
Out of You
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Sunshine Dreamers
A Feeling of the Most Uncertainty
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Sunshine Dreamers
This is Where We Stop
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Why Do You? Podcast

Ryan was passionate about helping inspire others to pursue their passion despite whatever limitations they may be facing. This was the theme and purpose of his podcast. We hope others will learn from his example to never be afraid to try something new!

Sean Felton | Why Do You? Podcast Episode 1

In this episode of "Why Do You?" Ryan Benton chats with Doctor Sean Felton, a practicing Chiropractor and nutrition enthusiast. Together, they discuss their shared frustrations with the current state of the healthcare system, paired with their hopes for improved access to cutting edge medicines such as stem cell therapy.

Timothy Archibald - Why Do You? Podcast Episode 3

Timothy is a commercial photographer, who regularly works with big brands like McDonalds, Facebook, TIME, New York Times, They discuss many intriguing topics such as: - How Timothy learned how to navigate fatherhood with a son with Autism, he found photography as a healthy way to connect and strengthen their relationship. - By finding a positive way they could connect and do something together, allowed them to learn more about each other.

Jeff "The Riot" Wyatt - Why Do You? Podcast Episode 6

Join Ryan and Blake as they talk with Jeff “The Riot” Wyatt. Jeff is an endurance motorcyclist riding to raise money for Duchenne. His non-profit, Mile Monsters, is a group of riders from across the country that helps raise awareness and money for this disease. In this episode, we talk about some of his rides, where he stops along the way, how he helps kids understand what it’s like to have a disability, tattoos, Weird Al, serial killers, and more.

David K - Why Do You? Podcast Episode 8

Today our guest is David K. David K is the author of the book, Prism: Shedding Light on Life with Duchenne. His book does a remarkable job at giving a real life depiction of the hurdles and struggles involved when living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Join us as we discuss why it is we do what it is that we do.

Ryan Benton - Why Do You? Podcast Episode 10

Today is a special episode I am joined by two very special guest hosts Taylor Music and Maddie Winter. They will be turning the microphone around on me as I detail my life’s journey and hopefully through our conversation am able to shed some light on why it is I do me?

Jake Marazzo | Why Do You? Podcast Episode 2

Jake and Ryan have had very similar paths in life through overcoming adversity to still pursue their dreams and live as independently as possible. While also starting non-profits with their family to raise awareness for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Will Cullen Hart | Why Do You? Podcast Episode 4

In this episode of "Why Do You," Ryan invites Will Hart, a leading figure in the realm of modern psychedelic pop music, onto the podcast. Learning to live with the effects of MS over the past decade of his life, Will details his experiences and shares what keeps him motivated and moving forward. Together they discuss how the overcome daily challenges to continue pursuing their passions.

Riki Lavi - Why Do You? Podcast Episode 7

Riki is a stem cell recipient, amazing musician, occupational therapist, and overall enthusiast for life that I met a few years ago at the stem cell institute of Panama while getting stem cell therapy myself. In this episode we talk about serendipity, health, what motivates us and how we can motivate future generations.

Robert Rosswurm - Why Do You? Podcast Episode 9

Today our guest is David K. David K is the author of the book, Prism: Shedding Light on Life with Duchenne. His book does a remarkable job at giving a real life depiction of the hurdles and struggles involved when living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Join us as we discuss why it is we do what it is that we do.